Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Much patched Highway in Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — March 18, 2020

On March 3 2020, with its stock at 57 cents and falling following the 5-1 reverse split on November 25 2019, CMI issued a press release emphasizing that after ten years of unprofitably extracting...
Corrado De Gasperis

Will the Real Corrado De Gasperis Please Stand Up?

In September 2017 the Carson City TEDx committee chose Corrado De Gasperis as a speaker for an event at the Brewery Arts Center. When residents of Silver City expressed dismay and explained that their...

Comstock Mining Update — May 31, 2019

Hey, why isn't Comstock Mining Inc on the map? It's not a fair world. You'd think that after spending nearly a quarter of a Billion Dollars of investors' money without making a dime in...
CMI Chart 2-4-2019

Comstock Mining Update — February 4, 2019

Comstock Mining Inc stock took a jump! After falling to 13¢ as recently as January 24th, the share price burst up to 19¢ before resuming its decline; at launch time it was at 17¢....
CMI Price-per-share chart

Comstock Mining Update – September 26, 2018

It's Alive! (but barely) After months of inactivity, Comstock Mining Inc., has stirred in its grave. Rigor mortis finally setting in? A few microbes still alive in its gut? Here's a comment from the Yahoo 'Conversations'...
Lyon County Court House

Comstock Mining Update — May 26, 2018

Third District Court Hearing Explores Keller and Hastings Potential Conflict of Interest A hearing in the Comstock Residents Association lawsuit against Lyon County and Comstock Mining, Inc., was held Monday, April 23, 2018 in Lyon...
Nevada Supreme Court, Carson City

Comstock Mining Update – December 12, 2017

Supreme Court Rules for CRA vs. Lyon County and Comstock Mining Inc. Comstock Residents Association won a decision at the Nevada Supreme Court on December 11. One part of the complaint against Lyon County and...
Nevada Supreme Court, Carson City

Comstock Mining Update – November 1, 2017

Bulletin! In his 3rd Quarter conference call, in addition to the usual quarterly loss, Corrado De Gasperis announced a 5 to 1 reverse stock split, to be effective November 10th. This is good news for...
CMI stock price skids to 14 cents

Comstock Mining Update – June 15, 2017

This Update was prompted by Comstock Mining Inc annual meeting held at the Gold Hill Hotel on June 1. Those of us who live on the Comstock know how rich our communities are in what...
New York Mine head frame 2017, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update January 20, 2017

Isn't there a mechanism to rid the New York Stock Exchange of the corpses underfoot? Apparently not, as Comstock Mining Inc , the gang that couldn't mine straight, has become the corporate equivalent of...
Comstock Mining Inc share prices since July 2016

Comstock Mining Update — October 31, 2016

The rumor dancing eagerly, gladly, euphorically up and down Gold Canyon from Virginia City to Dayton and then back again, is that Comstock Mining Inc is dead. This judgment is uttered as gospel over the bars at...

Comstock Mining Update – July 31, 2016

We failed. For more than five years residents of the Comstock tried to keep an upstart mining company from digging an enormous pit mine in the the Virginia City National Historic Landmark just above Devil's...
Underground portal at the Lucerne Pit, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — May 24, 2016

Having completed the unprofitable five year fiasco of the Lucerne Pit — with the Grand Finale of collapsing Highway 342 into it — Comstock Mining Inc. (or is it LLC?) laid off most of its employees...
CMI stock via nasdaq New Year's Eve 2015

Comstock Mining Update – December 24, 2015

On December 4th Comstock Mining Inc issued a press release headlined: Comstock Mining Completes State Route Realignment Ahead of Schedule In previous years CMI loaded the head frame of the New York Mine with cheap Chinese...

Comstock Mining Update — October 26, 2015

While most attention has been paid recently to the ongoing destruction of the Virginia City National Historic Landmark, another historic Comstock landmark has been severely damaged as well. Having failed to obtain a gaming license,...
Highway 342 closed at Devil's Gate, Silver City Nevada

Comstock Mining Update – September 30, 2015

Highway 342 Closed Again On September 28 NCOT announced that State Route 342 through Gold Hill will be closed again September 29 through November 12, with periodic lane closures and continuing construction in the roadway shoulder...
Ore truck crossing, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — August 1, 2015

An amazing turnaround: Comstock Mining Inc's share price had tanked at the NYSE, down, down, down from $1.11 on January 16 to 38¢ on June 28. And then on July 29 it spurted suddenly...
Silver City sign

Comstock Mining Update – May 31, 2015

Early in the week of May 3, persons unknown erected a sign near the junction of Main Street, Silver City (Highway 342), with the Truck Route (Highway 341) blaming Comstock Mining Inc., the Storey...
Lucerne Pit, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update – April 28, 2015

The fiasco of the Lucerne Pit is a good example of what's wrong with the way government monitors mining in Nevada. We can thank Comstock Mining Inc. for that, if for nothing else; if...
Storey County Commissioners acting stern at the collapse of Highway 342

Comstock Mining Update March 16, 2015

Highway 342 through lower Gold Hill (Main Street) was closed to all vehicle traffic on February 27 when the famously fragile Silver Hill mineshaft subsided once again beneath the pavement adjacent to the Lucerne...
Highway 342 closed in Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — February 25, 2015

On Sunday February 8 Nevada Department of Transportation engineers were called to lower Gold Hill to examine pavement cracking and slumping on Highway 342, the historic foot track, then wagon road that became Main...
Spilled load, Lucerne Pit, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — February 9, 2015

Storey County is an interesting specimen in the governmental petri dish we call Nevada. At its north end, the county is all aglow at the arrival of the Tesla electric battery megafactory, thanking its...
CMI's Backroom Deals

Comstock Mining Update — October 15, 2014

What's Wrong With This Picture? Everything. Press Reports Reno News & Review article #1 Reno Gazette-Journal article Las Vegas Review-Journal article Reno News & Review article #2 Reno Gazette-Journal Op-Ed It was produced, we are informed, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of...
Lucerne pit, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update October 9 2014

At the end of September CMI seemed on the brink of bidding us the Big Bye-Bye once again. Previously last-minute stock offerings have provided the ready cash for the company to make it through the next...
Lucerne Pit, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — August 22, 2014

At its meeting of August 21 the Storey County Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of Comstock Mining Inc's request for amendments to its SUP. The issue will come before County Commissioners McBride, Gilman...
CMI (ticker : LODE) 10k

Comstock Mining Update – April 2, 2014

Before <a title="2013 SEC Year-End Re is completely inaccurate and will be corrected by the company. In addition the NDEP-BAPC has not issued its final determination." — Francisco Vega, NDEP Supervisor, Compliance & Enforcement,...
Corrado De Gasperis

CMI’s Corrado De Gasperis on “Nevada Newsmakers”

Recent Developments A March 4 CMI announcement about the quest for further investors CMI press release dated March 11 puts 2013 net loss at $21.3 million The transcript of De Gasperis’ conference call about the Q4 filing...
Comstock Mining update February 7, 2014

Comstock Mining Update – February 7, 2014

   On Friday January 31 the Comstock Residents Association filed a Complaint in Lyon County District Court asking the judge to reverse the Lyon County Commissioners' January 2 decision to grant Comstock Mining Inc's...
The fallout from the Lyon County Commission's January 2 meeting was not long in appearing. On January 21, Theo McCormick of Silver City announced his resignation from th Lyon County School Board

Comstock Mining Update – January 15, 2014

   The fallout from the Lyon County Commission's January 2 meeting was not long in appearing. On January 21, Theo McCormick of Silver City announced his resignation from the Lyon County School Board:   ...
Ground Zero: the Dayton Con

Comstock Mining update January 15, 2014

   At its regularly scheduled meeting on January 2, the Lyon County Commission broke all precedent by ignoring its Planning Commission's recommendation to deny Comstock Mining Inc's Master Plan Amendment and Zoning change requests...
The struggle over pit mining in the Virginia City National Historic Landmark has shifted south through Devil's Gate from Storey to Lyon County

Comstock Mining Update – December 10, 2013

   The struggle over pit mining in the Virginia City National Historic Landmark has shifted south through Devil's Gate from Storey to Lyon County. At last month's scheduled hearing before the Lyon County Planning...
At $1300/oz it takes about 60 truckloads of the Virginia City National Historical Landmark to produce a "gold-equivalent ounce" for CMI.

Comstock Mining Update – August 12, 2013

Will this be the greatest feat of magic to be performed in Nevada since Siegfried and Roy first turned that tiger into thin air? Is Comstock Mining Inc about to disappear?  In its 1st Quarter...
P.L.A.N. Cantastoria protesters in Reno CRA and allied organizations rallied to call attention to human rights violations by CMI Director Daniel Kappes in Guatemala.

Comstock Mining Update – June 28, 2013

On June 27, the day following our Meet 'n' Greet at Maynard Station, a couple of dozen Comstock Residents Association supporters joined other member groups of PLAN, the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, in...
3rd Annual CRA Meet-n-Greet at Maynard Station John V. Winfield came to our party and all he did was complain.

Comstock Mining Update – June 27, 2013

   On June 26, as Comstock Mining Inc. romanced its investors and future prospects with tours, presentations and the good news about the expansion approval, CRA held its third annual Meet 'n' Greet Barbecue...
Comstock Mining Update ? June 21, 2013

Comstock Mining Update – June 21, 2013

   There's been a lot going on. Much of it — like Comstock Mining Inc's truckload-by-truckload destruction of the Virginia City National Historic Landmark — is painfully obvious, but some of it took place...
CMI dust

Comstock Mining Update – April 26, 2013

The first court case arising out of the controversy over pit-mining in the Virginia City National Historic Landmark has been decided in Storey County's favor. Curiously, the County was arguing for the other side....
This isn't happening in Gold Hill from 7 am to midnight any more, but the mountains are still being destroyed and the pit is crawling with activity.

Comstock Mining Update – March 13, 2013

The saga of pit mining in the Virginia City National Historic Landmark took another strange swerve when the BLM suddenly relented and allowed Comstock Mining Inc. to use the disputed haul road to truck...
Polluted air and traffic congestion, compliments of CMI.

Comstock Mining Update – July 21, 2012

Here on the Comstock, the citizens who act for the Comstock Residents Association (CRA) were geared up for the Storey County Commission meeting on July 19. The Commissioners were to vote on a request...
No Trespassing, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — July 2012

The Virginia City National Historic Landmark is under attack by Comstock Mining Inc., a rogue company hoping to dig enormous pit mines in Silver City and Gold Hill. The CRA is not opposed to mining,...
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