Thursday, February 6, 2025

Day Tripping for Ceramics and Pottery

There are a number of fine ceramic and pottery studios within a few hours of Reno and they are all having sales just in time for the holidays.  Great Basin Pottery and Joe Winter...

Winnemucca Valley Road Trip, Sutro Tunnel Update, & More

Winnemucca Valley Road Trip A Sutro Tunnel Update Jeff Nicholson Art Show in Elko _______________________________________________________________________   Winnemucca Valley Road Trip This road trip was inspired by the book Twenty Miles from a Match by Sarah Olds.  It tells the story...

Sutro’s Tunnel Vision

Sutro’s Tunnel Vision By David Moore In the early 1860s Adolph Sutro, a 30-year-old Prussian who ran a cigar business in San Francisco, joined the rush to Virginia City and the Comstock Lode. Like most of...

Adding to Your Nevada Bookshelf

Ten years ago I wrote a piece about essential books for your Nevada Bookshelf. When I came across it recently and decided to update it, it occurred to me that because lots of likely...

150-Year-Old Locomotive Reno Returns to Virginia City

Most Famous Engine in Movie History, Star in 100+ Films The most historic existing icon of Nevada’s past, the 150-year-old Virginia & Truckee Railroad steam locomotive Reno, has made its final run full circle, returning...
Carson Opera House

The Ghosts Have Nearly Gone

If I had a time machine, my first journey (after taking care of some personal business) would be to Goldfield. I'd set the chronometer to arrive on the morning of July 4, 1923. I'd...
Nevada Highwat Patrol

Nevada Highway Patrol, 1972

I was driving north out of Carson City on a bitter cold night last February with a broken headlight and the fresh air vent jammed open, sipping at a can of beer when the...
Yank Van Duzen, Hero

Yank Van Duzen, Hero

by Harry Gorham To return To the subject of ventilation — those men in Gould and Curry could not escape to a shaft a thousand feet deep or a tunnel 1500 feet long because the...

Gordon Frazier

Somewhere in the rocky high ground North east of Nevada's pyramid Lake there's a white Mustang mare that Gordon Fraser and I would like to bring out one day. She's one of three or four...
Mark Twain

Mark Twain Couldn’t Take a Joke

“There were many practical jokers in the new Territory. I don’t take pleasure in expressing this fact, for I liked those people; but what I am saying is true. I wish I could say...
Squaw Tom Sanders 1900 - 1980

Under the Trampoline

by Squaw Tom Sanders Well, I’m going to tell you a story about that happened in 1925. I lived in Fallon and it was the depression. Wages was only a dollar a day feeding cattle,...

A Dirt Road Rant

by Gage T. Smith, the Picon Guy When David asked me to resume writing about Nevada's Dirt Roads for the Nevadagram, I accepted, but with some hesitation because the whole face of this activity has...
Governor Sparks turns his back

The Death of Indian Johnny

by David Toll Now for some time travel. Buckle up, please. While cleaning out an old building in Virginia City not so long ago, Winson Hong made a fascinating discovery. He found an advertising calendar from...
Lobby, Hotel Belvada, Tonopah

NevadaGram #230 A Visit to Tonopah and Berlin

Bound for the Belvada by Bob Naugle We just had to get out of Vegas for President’s Weekend. These days dealing with COVID, and the stress of school, required a break. Besides if I stayed home,...
Photoplay Magazine/Edna on th cover

Edna Purviance: Nevada’s Forgotten Movie Star

Wholesome . . . Delectable . . . Enchanting Watch Her Movies Here by David Toll You might think that a state with so few celebrities to brag about would make a big deal about a movie...
Silver City Guard

Silver City Guard Ambushes BiCentennial Wagon Train

by David Toll b&w photos by Gary Elam (except as noted) When it was announced that Nevada's Bicentennial Wagon Train would make its first stop at Silver City on its way to Valley Forge, local BiCentennial...
Joe Brown on horseback.

Joe Brown

If I hadn't slowed to look down the road west, I probably wouldn't have noticed the eight-year-old Chevy parked on the shoulder about 100 yards down from the intersection. The hood of the car...
Harry Motson Gorham

NevadaGram #224 – The Mind Reader

by Harry M.Gorham Due to the frenzy of speculation occasioned by the ore discovery in the Sierra Nevada, every stock quoted in the San Francisco exchange was quoted at ridiculous prices, and those who could...
Butch, Sundance and the Wild Bunch

NevadaGram #223 – Butch Cassidy & the Great Winnemucca Bank Robbery

Winnemucca is a tranquil town on the Humboldt River, a trading post transformed by the railroad into a lively shipping center, a bumptious cow town and county seat. Its history resembles that of dozens...

Hiking Among Carson Valley’s Spring Bloom

by Amy DeMuth As winter days lengthen into spring, nothing ushers in the new season like an ample dose of sunshine, a big breath of fresh air and a ramble among the company of nature....
Helicopter delivering Bighorn sheep to Pyramid Lake Reservation

The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Reintroduces Bighorn Sheep on Tribal Lands

by Kalen Goodluck/High Country News The day began early for the crew of scientists, state and tribal officials — long before the sun rose across the snow-covered sagebrush. “How many are you going to give...
Butch, Sundance and the Wild Bunch

Butch Cassidy and the Great Winnemucca Bank Robbery

Winnemucca is a tranquil town on the Humboldt River, a trading post transformed by the railroad into a lively shipping center, a bumptious cow town and county seat. Its history resembles that of dozens...
Elko County Fair

2019 Elko County Fair

We're on our way to the Elko County Fair but you'd never guess it from our route. Elko is on I-80, about 100 miles from the Utah line. Heading out from Gold Hill, about...

OATBRAN 2019 – Part II

by Curtis Fong, "The Guy from Tahoe" Thursday, September 26: “Rolling Beauty – Is This Nevada?” Eureka to Ely: 79 Miles – 3900 vertical feet of climbing Another absolutely beautiful Central Nevada morning, as I headed out...

Dirt Road to the Leviathan Mine and River Ranch

by Gage T. Smith, "The Picon Guy" Lately I have been rediscovering the area around my home. In September, a few friends and I decided that we would take the rocky, bumpy road from US 395...
Mountin View Hotel, Pioche Nevada

Mountain View Hotel, Pioche

The Mountain View Hotel of Old Pioche by Dave Maxwell Once as elegant a hotel as graced anywhere in the western states between San Francisco and Denver, the Mountain View Hotel in Pioche has fallen into...
Mark Twain Rides a Bicycle

Taming the Bicycle

By Mark Twain I thought the matter over, and concluded I could do it. So I went down and bought a barrel of Pond's Extract and a bicycle. The Expert came home with me to...
Minnehaha Steep

Dirt Road to the Top of Minnehaha Canyon

by Gage T. Smith "the Picon Guy" Sometimes we tend to overlook what is right in our own back yard. A few weeks ago, some of my buddies decided to do a ride in the Pine...
Rosa Bas sets new 200M world record

A Day at the Races – The 2019 World IHPV Speed Challenge at Battle...

It's a little after 7 on a clear September morning and we are standing on a large open flat on the east side of Highway 305 about 20 minutes south of Battle Mountain and...

September Rides

by Curtis Fong, "the Guy from Tahoe" Just because the kids are back in school and it’s September, it doesn’t mean that summer is over, and if you’re thinking of storing your camping gear or...
Gage Smith's Goldfield Gang

Six Days in Goldfield

by Gage T. Smith, "the Picon Guy" To most folks, driving to Las Vegas on Highway 95, Goldfield is just a minor irritant.  First of all, you have to slow down to 25 and after...

Mark Twain’s Collar Buttons

by Dan De Quille The Golden Era, December 6, 1863 If I had known that Mark Twain's shirts were all without collars I would never have gone into partnership with him in rooms. I should have...

A Visit to Battle Mountain During HPV Speed Challenge

We are in Battle Mountain for the World’s Fastest Human-Powered Speed Challenge, which is a contest to see whose bicycle can go fastest on five miles of straight, flat Highway 305 about 15 miles...

The Famous Garcia World’s Fair Gold Medal Saddle from Elko

The book follows the journey of G.S. Garcia and J.M. Capriola, two legendary saddle makers in northeastern Nevada who made their living from the working cowboys and ranchers in the Great Basin. Entering into...
Red's Old 395 Grill, Carson City

Legislators and Lobbyists Guide to Power Dining in Carson City

Urban safari: Observe Legislators and Lobbyists At Work from a nearby table in Carson City by Barry Smith As 63 legislators and hundreds of lobbyists arrive in Carson City for the 2019 session of the Nevada Legislature,...
Ichthyosaur dig in the Augusta Mountains of Nevada

Icky to Underwrite Ichthyosaur Digs

The Ichthyosaur is Nevada's favorite fossil, and it has been given a new lease on life by a German professor of Paleontology and a beer brewer in Reno. Metaphorically, I mean, not that Old Stonybones...
Bicycling Nevada by Curtis Fong

Bicycling on the Hot Seat in August

by Curtis Fong, "The Guy from Tahoe" Wow! Where is this summer going? Its already August and the tourist season is definitely upon us, limiting road biking events, due to summer traffic and warm temperatures....
Gage's Gang rides into Austin

4th of July in Austin

by Gage T. Smith, "the Picon guy" Founded in the 1860s, Austin has always been the town that refused to die. Forever, it was the county seat of Lander County — until it wasn't. The...
Curtis Fong

Summer’s Here — Let’s Roll!

The Big Bicycling Event in July is the 39th Tour of the California Alps – Death Ride, set for Saturday, July 13, 2019. This is a premiere ride for endurance bicyclists and is long...

Down the Dirt Road to Green Creek

A nice day outing with some spectacular scenery awaits you in the Green Creek area just inside California, or, as we say around here Far Western Nevada).  Located a few miles south of the...
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