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Tag: Boulder City

Box kite, water tank and Haboob, Boulder City Nevada 1935

See the Wind and Catch it

Based on the true story that Ila Clements Davey (Godby) told me and I imagined it by Alan Goya There was a lot for a kid to do in Boulder City in the spring of 1935,...
Proposed Visitor Center, Nevada Souhern Railway

The Last Spike and the First Glimpse of the new Nevada Southern Railway

On Friday morning April 27 Robin and I visited Boulder City and the Nevada State Railroad Museum, home of the Nevada Southern Railway. The little depot on Yucca Street was just coming to life when...
Peter Barton and Gernor Brian Sandoval at dedication of the new NSRy bridge to Henderson

NevadaGram #202 – Rural RoundUp in Tonopah, Big Spike in Boulder City, Reno Night...

Rural RoundUp, the annual grand conclave of tourism workers from all around rural Nevada, was held this year in Tonopah. The speakers were insightful and entertaining, the workshops apt and informative, the meals ambitious...

Searchlight Correspondence – January 2018

Searchlight: On the Road from Las Vegas to Laughlin For the next several months I will be exploring my visits to Laughlin from Las Vegas. Hopefully, it will answer at least a few of your...

Boulder City Correspondence – October 2017

What Makes Something Historic? Why preserve an old building? Is it the architecture? Did something significant happen there? Is it attached to a historic event or a noted person in history? If it has a...

Boulder City Correspondence – August 2017

Bullock’s Field, the old Boulder City Airport Prior to 1933, Boulder City's "airport" was a graded dirt strip that accommodated the occasional private plane. In 1933, Noel Bullock leased the land from the Bureau of...

Boulder City Correspondence – July 2017

Snow White Sang at the Boulder Theatre Somewhat neglected in the story of Boulder City is the fact that Boulder Dam was built not just to generate electrical power but to inspire a nation. The architect...

Boulder City Correspondence – February 2017

Keyhole Canyon If Zion Canyon in Utah is a cathedral where one feels the overwhelming glory of nature, then Keyhole Canyon, just south of Boulder City, is a splendid sanctuary where your soul can talk...
Great Egret at Lake Mead

Boulder City Correspondence – December 2016

The Birds of Lake Mead Chirp, caw, quack, squawk, squeak, coo are parts of the cacophony of sounds performed in winter at the edge of the inland sea along the constantly receding shoreline in what...
Star Lake above South Lake Tahoe

Nevada Correspondence – October 2016

In this edition: Boulder City, Carson Valley, Elko, Ely, Las Vegas, Laughlin, Lincoln County, Mesquite, South Lake Tahoe   Boulder City Good Citizens The biggest event of the year in Boulder City is the Annual Art in the Park...
Alabama the Toilet-paper Man

Boulder City Correspondence – September 2016

A Walkable City & Alabam the Toilet-paper Man Everyone has seen something that looked like something but which they are sure couldn't really be. In front of the historic L.A. Water and Power Building in Boulder...

Boulder City Correspondence – August 2016

Boulder City Lake Mead and Boulder City There would be no Boulder City without Lake Mead. Boulder City's was created to be the headquarters to build the Hoover Dam, which created Lake Mead. And there it...

Boulder City Correspondence – July 2016

Boulder City Boulder City 68th Annual Damboree 4th of July Celebration One of of the joys of Boulder City is scale. Unlike the the sometimes over the top spectacles of nearby Las Vegas, Boulder City is small town...

Boulder City Correspondence – June 2016

Boulder City The Magic Forest of Wee Thump Boulder City is really at the intersection of so many crossroads. While in Boulder City one just needs walk to Highwy 93, and if you go north you...
River walk, Laughlin Nevada

NevadaGram #178 – Rural RoundUp in Laughlin, Detour to Paris

Rural RoundUp is the annual conclave of Nevada's tourism industry, Cow County division, a party it throws for itself. The venue rotates; last year in the beautiful Carson Valley in the shadow of the...

Boulder City Correspondence – May 2016

Boulder City Discovering Boulder City Travelers tend to run into Boulder City, coming and going from somewhere else.  Going to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. Coming from Phoenix to Las Vegas, or vice versa. But there...

Las Vegas Correspondence – May 2016

Las Vegas No May showers for this bunch of festivals! We started with a few festivals in our April edition and now May is jam-packed with so much more outdoor fun and frolicking! There is a freebie...
Bellagio Conservatory

Nevada Correspondence – December 2015

In this edition: Baker, Carson Valley, Las Vegas(2), Lincoln County, Tuscarora, Railfanning in Weso              
Union Pacific locomotives near Weso

Railfanning Correspondence – December 2015

Railfanning in Weso   This month's railfan dispatch is all about watching trains in Weso, Nevada.  Wait, where?  If you try locating information about Weso on the the internet, you will be hard pressed to come up...
Showers in Early Spring - Nevada

NevadaGram #153 – Getting There, Post Card from Shorty and “Queen of the Night”

Getting there. When you hear someone say that our long highway distances are boring, it's easy for a Nevada-lover to suppose they lack a crucial gene. As a service to our subscribers, we present...
Hoover Dam

NevadaGram #151 – Boulder City, a Post Card from Shorty

We are doing ourselves a big favor by visiting Boulder City in February. It is the perfect cure for a Comstock winter, if you're not going to Belize. When we are snowed in and battling...

NevadaGram #135 – November 2012 A Heavenly Day in Fallon, Must-see, Must-do for 2013

What They're saying About Us The New York Times visits downtown Las Vegas and finds Zappos. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. The Affectionate and Intimately Detailed Guide to the Most Interesting State in America is...

NevadaGram #125 – January 2012 Handing Out Awards, Wild Women in Elko

What They're saying About Us In the State of Nevada 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, jingle dancers are juxtaposed with state statistics. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. Get the New Complete Nevada Traveler at our Nevada...

NevadaGram #123 – Must-see, Must-do for 2012

What They're saying About Us The Guardian (UK) cuts a rug in Las Vegas. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. The Affectionate and Intimately Detailed Guide to the Most Interesting State in America is available at...
Buster Keaton

NevadaGram #92 – April 2009 Incident at Tonka Tunnel, Hollywood comes to Gold...

What They're saying About Us The New York Times eats lamb testicles in Virginia City. History books will tell you that the first American soldier to shed his blood in World War I was a lieutenant...

NevadaGram #44 – Tonopah Mining Park, Warm Springs, the E.T. Highway and Mesquite

E-Mail of the Month I saw one of your travel reviews about Goldfield on line. We took Mylo for a little tour of Nevada museums, parks, and oddities last week. Mylo is 5 now, and...

NevadaGram #31 – Jazz, Railroads, Dude Ranches, the Mary Jane Sisters in Eureka and...

No sooner do the first wildflowers of spring begin to paint the mountainsides than Jazz music fills the air around Nevada. A consortium of Las Vegas investors has bought Tonopah's historic Mizpah Hotel and announced...
Mom, Connor and Davis visited the preserved town of Berlin at Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park.

NevadaGram #26 Female Bank Robbers, Winnemucca Wants Your Vote and The Family E Discovers...

There is a gang of female bank robbers headquartered in Austin and making raids as far away as Goldfield. They don't actually rob banks, but they play the part to the hilt, in full...
Soon to be under new ownership.

NevadaGram #14 – Wendover, Ely, Hawthorne, Boulder City

The new edition of The Complete Nevada Traveler has rolled into Gold Hill in a big 18-wheeler from Dexter, Michigan. We've unloaded 4,000 copies and are now shipping the 1,000 copies that have already...
Emergency Road Service in Rachel

NevadaGram #10 – Tonopah, Rachel, Ash Springs, Overton, Boulder City

I had the pleasure of a late spring voyage through the sagebrush sea. It was a wonderful break from the grueling tasks of mundane reality, and I found some interesting new developments to pass...
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