Elko Correspondence – October 2016


Fall Colors in Elko County

D Clarke October 2016 1


Fall brings a lot of changes to the mountains of Elko County, and one of the best to take in is the changing of the leaves. Lamoille Canyon is one of the best spots to view the autumn spectacle as cottonwoods, aspen, chokecherry trees show off stunning gold, orange and crimson colors. The trees start to change at the end of September and usually peak around October 10th.

D Clarke October 2016 3


Music at the Western Folklife Center

The WFC theatre will be the spot for wonderful music on October 26 as the Haunted Windchimes come to Elko. This band from Pueblo, Colorado brings a unique blend of blues, folk, and Americana music to the G3 theatre. Check out the WFC website for details at www.westernfolklife.org

Lamoille Farmers Market

The next Lamoille Farmers Market is set for October 8th in Lamoille. This market is definitely worth the drive to get great meat, local produce and goods. Organized by Sue Kennedy, this market features around six local producers who sell locally raised chicken, beef, honey, vegetables, jams, jellies, and more. Kennedy Farms will be offering locally raised grass-fed beef, and my other favorite is Josh Bottari’s hand crafted sheep’s milk cheese. Hours are from 8 to noon, so come on out and support local agriculture — and it is best to arrive early for the best selection.

— Doug Clarke
