Elko Correspondence – June 2016



Waterfalls and wildflowers

clarke-waterfall longJune greetings from Elko. This is my first post, and I’m happy to be sharing stories about Elko and the surrounding area.

Clarke-June'16-08I’ve been enjoying the beauty of the Ruby Mountains for many years now, and I know that each season has something unique to offer.  If I had to pick a favorite season, it would be springtime when the flowers are in bloom and the waterfalls are rushing.  With the good snow pack and spring rains we’ve been getting, the Ruby Mountains will be putting on quite a show this spring and into the summer months. Lamoille Canyon is the best place to see this splendid display of nature. Just 20 miles outside of Elko, the Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway provides easy paved access to the canyon.  For the next few months the canyon walls will be sporting seasonal waterfalls, and the slopes will be dotted with wildflowers. (I’m sharing some pictures taken by Gary and Susanne Reese in April with some of my own taken in early May.)Clarke-June'16-07

Good Eats

If you have tried the food trucks in Portland, Oregon, you know that great food can be found on many street corners. For about two years now, Elko has been home to “Guerrilla Craft Eats.” Ryan and Andrea are cooking up terrific food on the corner of Silver Street and 5th Street in downtown Elko that rivals Portland’s best. Check out their menu HERE.

June Events

Trail Days at the California Trail Museum. Come and see Great Basin history come to life with displays, demonstrations and re-enactments during this annual event. This event is set to June 4-6. The highlight for me last year was the contra and square dancing with live music by Southwind. For more info see their webpage HERE.

— Douglas Clarke



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