Baker Correspondence – July 2018

Historic Dam at Stella Lake

Escaping the heat is a priority in the hot month of July. A great place to escape both the heat and crowds is Hendry’s Creek in the North Snake Range. This creek is home to Bonneville cutthroat trout, which have survived since the times when Lake Bonneville filled Snake Valley. Following the creek, an 11-mile long trail leads up to The Table, a high elevation plateau that is a marvel. Here you can see twisted bristlecone pines, bighorn sheep and amazing views. If you still have energy, you can attempt summiting 12,054-foot Mount Moriah. A way up to The Table from the west side involves only a two-mile hike up Big Canyon, but you’ll need a good 4WD vehicle to get up the steep and twisty road to the trailhead.

Climbing Mount Moriah

You can also fine respite from the heat by going to the trails up Baker Creek in Great Basin National Park. These are much less frequented than the popular Alpine Lakes and Bristlecone trails that start at 10,000 feet at the end of the Scenic Drive. Another way to cool off is to go underground, where the temperature is the average outside temperature of the area. Lehman Caves is a very comfortable 52 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Sunken Garden in Lehman Caves

To get a spot on a Lehman Caves tour, be sure to make a reservation. Tours are frequently selling out days in advance due to a low supply and high demand. You can make reservations at or call 1-877-444-6777.

The Baker’s Bean coffee cart

Business spotlight is the Baker’s Bean, the coffee cart on the corner across from the Baker post office. Twins Cheri and Tabitha Phillips run this little piece of caffeinated delight. While you’re choosing from many drink options (including some without caffeine, if that’s your preference), don’t miss the cinnamon rolls and delicious sandwiches. They are open 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. seven days a week. The twins are professional chefs, who after honing their skills in Colorado, decided to return home to Snake Valley. They also run the delectable Salt & Sucre catering company, which provides a variety of food for special events, hunting groups and family reunions.

July is the most popular month for tourists to come to Baker. Although it’s hot during the day, a quick drive or venture underground can get you some natural air conditioning. And the night skies are still amazing. You might even find yourself wanting a coat at night!

— Gretchen Baker

Don’t miss Gretchen’s marvelous outdoor adventure blog, Desert Survivor.
