Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Tag: Nevada State Railroad Museum

Proposed Visitor Center, Nevada Souhern Railway

The Last Spike and the First Glimpse of the new Nevada Southern Railway

On Friday morning April 27 Robin and I visited Boulder City and the Nevada State Railroad Museum, home of the Nevada Southern Railway. The little depot on Yucca Street was just coming to life when...
Peter Barton and Gernor Brian Sandoval at dedication of the new NSRy bridge to Henderson

NevadaGram #202 – Rural RoundUp in Tonopah, Big Spike in Boulder City, Reno Night...

Rural RoundUp, the annual grand conclave of tourism workers from all around rural Nevada, was held this year in Tonopah. The speakers were insightful and entertaining, the workshops apt and informative, the meals ambitious...

DAYTON is in Virginia City

by Dennis Cassinelli For many years, my family and I have lived in Dayton, Nevada, “Gateway to the Comstock.” This is where Nevada gold was first discovered in 1849 that ten years later, led to...
Death Valley Railroad motor car No 5 02

Railroad Motor Cars of Nevada – Part III

By Stephen E. Drew, Chief Curator (retired) California State Railroad Museum   Nevada Motor Cars Part I Nevada Motor Cars Part II The self-propelled passenger car, or motor car, was the savior of early 20th-Century railroad branches and...

Railroad Motor Cars of Nevada – Part II

By Stephen E. Drew, Chief Curator (retired) California State Railroad Museum   Nevada Motor Cars Part I Nevada Motor Cars Part III The self-propelled passenger car, or motor car, was the savior of early 20th-Century railroad branches and...
Nevada Copper Belt No. 21

Railroad Motor Cars of Nevada – Part I

By Stephen E. Drew, Chief Curator (retired) California State Railroad Museum   Nevada Motor Cars Part II Nevada Motor Cars Part III The self-propelled passenger car, or motor car, was the savior of early 20th-Century railroad branches and...
Nevada State Capitol, Carson City

Cruising Carson City, November 2015

Carson City is a real city now. No, really. There are lots of ways to measure this, but in my mind the true mark of a city is whether or not you can do all...
Nevada State Capitol, Carson City

NevadaGram #172 – Carson City at Christmastime

Carson City is a real city now. No, really. There are lots of ways to measure this, but in my mind the true mark of a city is whether or not you can do all...
Edmonton Eskimos, 1910

NevadaGram #171 – Wheezer Dell

A while back I posted a NevadaGram about Wheezer Dell, the first Nevada-born child — Tuscarora, June 11, 1886 — to grow up to play major league baseball, first for St. Louis in 1912...
Milo's sidewalk cafe, Boulder City Nevada

A Visit to Boulder City, February 2014

We are doing ourselves a big favor by visiting Boulder City in February. It is the perfect cure for a Comstock winter, if you’re not going to Belize. When we are snowed in and battling...
McKeen Motor Car, Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City Nevada

The McKeen Car, A Nevada Treasure

by Peter Barton Administrator, Nevada Division of Museums and History A little past Noon on Monday, May 9, 1910, a futuristic rail car rolled down the tracks along Washington Street in Carson City and eased up...
Borges Carriage Rides, Genoa Nevada

NevadaGram #166 – Rural RoundUp, The One and Only McKeen Car, The Diana Mine

This year's Rural RoundUp — the 25th Annual — was held in the Carson Valley. For the rural tourism marketers in attendance it was an enjoyable visit to one of the most beautiful places...

NevadaGram #102 – A Side Trip to San Francisco

What They're saying About Us The New York Times visits the non-smoking casino in Fernley. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. You can buy your book orders online for Personal copies and gifts or...
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