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Paleontologists digging for ichthyosaurs in the Augusta Mountains, Pershing County Nevada

NevadaGram #190 – Ichthyosaur Digs, Rural RoundUp in Elko, Nevada Calendar

Rural RoundUp 2017 This year's Cow Counties Tourism Pro-Am convened in Elko. Story below. More than 500 fans of a Reno-brewed IPA, and of its namesake — a giant prehistoric ocean-dwelling reptile — attended a fundraiser at...
VT Candy Cane Express

Virginia City Correspondence – December 2016

The V & T Candy Cane Express Train All aboard the holiday train! The Virginia & Truckee Railroad will host three week-ends of enchanted holiday trains aboard one-hundred-year old decorated vintage rail coaches, November 25,...
World’s Fastest Human in Battle Mountain

NevadaGram #183 – World Human-Powered Speed Challenge in Battle Mountain

We are in Battle Mountain for the World Human-Powered Speed Challenge, which is a contest to see whose bicycle can go fastest on five miles of straight, flat Highway 305 about 15 miles south...
Central Nevada Museum

NevadaGram #182 – Visits to Eureka, Tonopah and Winnemucca, Richard Bangs Makes it to...

In Silver City, Saturday August 20th was a hot and happy summer's day as townspeople, former residents, grandparents, friends from out of town, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins by the dozens gathered at...
Winter scene in Silver

Silver City Correspondence – January 2016

Silver City Visit Silver City's 1860 Post Office The Comstock community of Silver City, Nevada is sometimes mislabeled a "ghost town," but it is far from it. Located just a three miles from Virginia City, the...
CMI stock via nasdaq New Year's Eve 2015

Comstock Mining Update – December 24, 2015

On December 4th Comstock Mining Inc issued a press release headlined: Comstock Mining Completes State Route Realignment Ahead of Schedule In previous years CMI loaded the head frame of the New York Mine with cheap Chinese...
Virginia City Thomas's Day Out

Virginia City Correspondence – November 2015

Virginia City "A Day Out With Thomas" Thrills Kids in Virginia City The antique Virginia & Truckee Railroad in Virginia City hosted the famous railway locomotive and television star, Thomas the Tank Engine, loved by millions...
Ore truck crossing, Gold Hill Nevada

Comstock Mining Update — August 1, 2015

An amazing turnaround: Comstock Mining Inc's share price had tanked at the NYSE, down, down, down from $1.11 on January 16 to 38¢ on June 28. And then on July 29 it spurted suddenly...
Frontier RV Park, Winnemucca Nevada

NevadaGram #158 – A Visit to Winnemucca, Comstock Mining Update

When we planned last week's visit to Winnemucca we determined to try nothing but new restaurants and lodgings. No Griddle for breakfast. No Martin Hotel for lunch. No Ormachea's for dinner. No Tortilla Factory...
Red Dog at Night - Virginia City Nevada

NevadaGram #157 – Landsailing Championships on Smith Creek Playa, Plus Bulletins from Austin, Wells,...

The World Championship Land Sailing Competition was held last month at Smith Creek Playa west of Austin alongside old US 50 (now Nevada 722). It had been held in recent years at Ivanpah in...
S-Line Reservoir in Fallon, Nevada

NevadaGram #148 – A Dream Speech and a Call from Joe

AS I WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND the Governor's Conference on Tourism in Las Vegas this week, I found myself reflecting on the Great State of Nevada and its future, imagining a speech from that...

NevadaGram #133 – September 2012 Goldfield Days, Postcard from Kingston, Calamity on the Comstock

What They're saying About Us The Guardian (UK) cuts a rug in Las Vegas. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. The Affectionate and Intimately Detailed Guide to the Most Interesting State in America is available at...

NevadaGram #132 – August 2012 Pit Mining the Comstock and A Visit with...

What They're saying About Us The New York Times goes crayfishing at Lake Tahoe. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. The Affectionate and Intimately Detailed Guide to the Most Interesting State in America is available at...

NevadaGram #111 – Stayed Home – Working to help prevent pit mining on the...

Corrado De Gasperis, CEO of Comstock Mining Inc. appeared at a meeting of the Silver City Town Advisory Board. He announced that his company had acquired some 6,000 acres of mining claims on and...

NevadaGram #110 – Stayed Home to Fight the Mine

It was at this point in the calendar that local residents on the Comstock Lode began to hear about a scheme to pit mine in the Virginia City National Historic Landmark, and to organize...

NevadaGram #109 – Inside Nevada’s Mutable Border: Randsburg California

What They're saying About Us The folks from Vail go skiing in the Rubies. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. Get the New Complete NevadaTraveler at our Nevada Bookstore. On the map, Nevada is an oddly shaped chunk...

NevadaGram #72 – Stayed home

  Our travels came to a screeching halt last month when daughter Rachel was married in Alaska and son John came home on leave from Iraq. But we'll be kicking up dust again next month. Overheard at...
Adolph Sutra sculpture at the Capitol Plaza, Carson City Nevada

NevadaGram #65 Carson City, Virginia City, Gold Hill, Carson Valley

What They're saying About Us Ishmael Reed rides the Holiday Train to Reno. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. You can buy your book orders online for Personal copies and gifts or for Resale. This time I had...
Dragon Boats, Hendersn Nevadaa

NevadaGram #55 – A Capella in Eureka, Muhammad Cartoons in Wendover, Dragon Boats in...

What They're saying About Us The Los Angeles Times finds Rhyolite. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. You can buy your book orders online for Personal copies and gifts or for Resale. The Eureka Opera House is an...

NevadaGram #45 – Wendover, Wells, Elko and a New State Park for Tonopah?

What They're saying About Us The Seattle Times attends the opening of Las Vegas' new $2.7 billion casino hotel. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. You can buy your book orders online for Personal copies and gifts...

NevadaGram #33 – 1400 miles through the sagebrush, Part Two

It's been a while since I returned home from a 9-day, 1400-mile trip through the sagebrush but I'm still enjoying it. Here are some highlights from the second half of the trip, from Pioche...
GOld Strike, Jean Nevada

Trip Report #17 – Jean, Lake Mead and The Giant Nail

Fishing is hot at Pyramid Lake right now. Go to the south end of the nets (near Sutcliffe), or the area around the Block House at the south end of the lake, or...
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