Ely Correspondence – March 2016



Great Basin College Geology Field Trips

For the adventurous person interested in the Great Basin, two geology field trips are being offered by the Great Basin College during the Spring Semester.

The Death Valley field trip on March 17th-20th will examine unique geologic features, formations and mineral resources of Death Valley. Discussions will focus on the geologic history and processes that formed the landscape. Classroom meeting Thursday in Tonopah at the Tonopah Station, D-2, from 6-9pm. Friday and Saturday nights will be spent in Beatty.

Death Valley
                                                              Death Valley

The Ancient Lake Lahontan field trip on May 5th-8th will examine the geologic lake features, hydrology and history of Lake Lahontan. Classroom meeting Thursday in Winnemucca at the Great Basin College, Room 122, from 6-9pm. Friday and Saturday nights will be spent in Fallon.

Participants must be registered and complete required Team Travel and Class Waiver forms one week prior to class. Each class is two credits and costs $207.00. Travel is at student’s expense. Make motel reservations early to insure a room.

For more information or field trip details call Veronica Nelson, Ely Center Director at 775 289-3589 or course instructor John Breitrick at 775 238-0508.

Lorraine Clark
