Ely Correspondence – August 2016



Ely in August

There are always a variety of great events and happenings in Ely, but August especially has something for everyone. The month kicks off with Fun Friday, August 5, in downtown Ely at the corner of 7th and Aultman Street. The highlight of the August Fun Friday is the Chili Cook-off, sponsored by the White Pine Chamber of Commerce. People pay $5 to taste each of the entries and then vote on their favorite in the People’s Choice award.  Judges also taste each of the entries and choose the first, second, and third place winners. Cash prizes are awarded. Live entertainment, vendors and give- a-ways, all spotlighted by KDSS Radio, make for a great afternoon of fun.

Ely-Aug'16-quilts-hung-to-displayOn Saturday, August 6, the Bristlecone Arts in the Park Festival opens at the Courthouse Park in downtown Ely. Held on the first weekend of August each year, this event attracts vendors from everywhere to display their beautiful creations ranging from paintings to wood and metal crafts, and many more kinds of original art. The event opens Saturday and runs through Sunday afternoon.  Also during the weekend, is the Annual Sagebrush Quilters Quilt Show, held across the street from the County Park in the White Pine Middle School. Dozens of beautiful quilts are on display. Raffles and voting for the favorites are part of the fun.

The second weekend of August is the White Pine Rodders Annual Car Show. Classic and antique vehicles of all kinds are on display at the County Park. People can enjoy the cars while talking to the owners and getting tips on their own restoration projects. What a great way to spend the day enjoying the fresh outdoor summer day.

The third weekend of August is the Annual  White Pine County Fair and Horse Races. The fair is a chance to see the entries of art and craft, food, floral, and all the projects by the 4-H contestants. Race times begin at 1:00 pm on both Saturday and Sunday, and para-mutual betting lets the fans put their money on their favorite horse. Food, entertainment, vendors, and displays are all there to be enjoyed. The Annual Ely Volunteer Fire Department and Cattlewomen’s BBQ features pit roasted beef and all the tasty treats of a great cookout. Tickets are available locally and at the event. The White Pine Ranch Rodeo is held on Saturday, also featuring the best in roping and team events.  A golf tournament provides additional play for the weekend. The 4–H Live Stock auction is held on Sunday and wraps up a great weekend.

Caroline-market-4-with-VirginiaThe fourth weekend of August is the opening of the Renaissance Village Farmers Market on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Fresh produce, nuts, salsa, and fresh peach ice cream bring the crowds for a great taste of summer. The houses of the Village are open for touring and the General Store offers all sorts of gifts and treats.

Added to activities each week are Steam-powered Train Excursions each Friday, Saturday and Sunday through the month. Information on these can be found at nnry.com or by calling 775-289-2085. The Ely Renaissance Village is open on Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm. The Ely Art Bank is open Friday and Saturday, from noon to 4pm and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. The White Pine Public Museum is also open through the month. Add in 24 murals and a sculpture park, unique shopping, and a beautiful downtown area to walk, and one can see that a trip to Ely anytime in August is a stroll through a friendly, small town that is part of the rural Nevada we all love. Call the White Pine Chamber of Commerce at 775-289-8877 for information on all the events and attractions.

— Lorraine Clark



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