Elko Correspondence – July 2017


Summer greetings from Elko. There is plenty to see and do in Elko this July. Here are a few of my favorites.

Wild about Flowers

This year’s heavy snows and spring rains are guaranteed to produce a bumper crop of wildflowers this summer. Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway is one of the best spots to see the wildflowers. You can see plenty of flowers along the 12-mile drive to Road’s End. For a closer view, any of the six hiking trails in the canyon will bring you close to the blooms. Other good places to take in the flowers in Elko County are Soldier Canyon, Copper Basin and Canyon Creek Pockets. For more information call the Forest Service at 738-5171 or 752-3357.

Spring Creek 4th of July Celebration

This day long event starts with a fun run in the morning, parade at 10 am, games and food throughout the day, and ends with fireworks in the evening. FMI: http://www.springcreeknv.org/4th-of-july.html

Lamoille Canyon in Concert

Great Basin College is bringing Tony Furtado to Elko on July 7th. FMI:http://www.gbcnv.edu/news/news_article_137.html

Mile High Dining

Last month I took a drive to check out the new Mile High Steak House at the Wildhorse Ranch and Resort north of Elko. Richard Pike, a longtime chef in Elko, recently opened this steakhouse. I had the pork roast special  (pictured above) and it was excellent. The Mile High Steak House is worth the hour drive.

Art in the Park

The Elko Art Club is holding its annual art and craft fair at the main city park on July 8 and 9. More than 70 vendors will be showcasing paintings, photography, ironwork, and more. FMI: https://elkocountyartclub.wildapricot.org/

Farmers Markets Are In Season

We now have two farmers markets in the Elko area. The July Farmer’s Market in Elko will be held on Saturday July 22nd. It features locally grown and sold food items! Lotspeich Family Farm, Kennedy Ranch Home-Grown Beef, Brough Ranch, and Bottari Family Creamery will be there as always, selling their outstanding local foods. Check in as the event gets closer for a list of other vendors. https://www.facebook.com/LotspeichFamilyFarm/.

On Saturday July 8th the Lamoille Farmers Market is held at Sue Kennedy’s land in Lamoille. Local producers and growers are selling grass fed beef, local honey, artisan cheese, fresh vegetables and more. FMI:  https://www.facebook.com/LamoilleFarmersMarket/

Western Folklife Center Happenings 

July is a busy month at the Folklife Center. Thursday night dance lessons and open dancing takes place on the second and fourth Thursdays in July. On the second Wednesday is Jam Night where local musicians gather to play. On the third Wednesday, Southwind plays music from 6 to 8 pm. All events are family friendly. FMI: http://www.westernfolklife.org/ or call 738-7508

Small Bites

Ogi Deli and Bar has expanded hours on Friday and Saturday evenings. Their evening food menu features pintxos, which are Basque-style finger foods. Their drink menu features Basque-inspired cocktails and Basque wines and ciders. Friendly staff and a relaxed atmosphere make it a great spot to enjoy an evening on the town. They are located downtown on the corner of 5th Street and Commercial Street. FMI: http://www.ogideli.com/

Big 50 Movies

Outdoor movies are back at the Northeastern Nevada Museum this July. This series features classic movies that premiered 50 years ago. Here is the July lineup: July 15 – The Sound of Music; July 22 – El Dorado; July 29 – That Darn Cat. The movies are shown outdoors behind the museum and start at dusk. Free admission, but donations are accepted. Bring a blanket and popcorn for a fun night. FMI: http://museumelko.org/event-recurring.htm

— Doug Clarke
