Elko Correspondence – January 2018


Saddle Up for Cowboy Poetry


The 2018 National Cowboy Poetry Gathering starts on the 29th of this month. Now is the time to get your tickets if you have not already done so. Many of the big shows are sold out, but plenty of tickets still remain for lots of the events. This year’s theme is “Basques and Buckaroos.” It promises to be a great week of poetry, music, dance, and art. Check out the schedule at: www.nationalcowboypoetrygathering.org

What’s That Tower?


The city of Elko celebrated its 100th anniversary of incorporation in 2017. As part of the celebration, the Centennial Tower was completed in December and unveiled on December 9th. It is located at the intersection of 7th and Railroad in the downtown corridor. It is a great tribute to the city’s railroading history and worth checking out when you are downtown.

The Gallery Bar Garners Award

The Duncan Little Creek Bar and Gallery is a fun spot for good drinks, local art, live theater, and good music. In December of 2017 it earned the Mayor’s Art Award for best Arts Organization. Pictured at right are Joan and Jennifer Anderson, owners, with their award. Visit them on their Facebook page.

Whose Land is This?

The California Trail Center continues its series of exhibits in January with an exhibit called “Whose Land Is This?” This exhibit runs from January 1 through March 31 and traces the history of public land ownership in the West. The Trail center is a good place to take the family on a cold winter day and learn about the history of the California Trail and what it meant to see the elephant. Find out more at: www.californiatrailcenter.org.

Edible Elko


Silver Haze BBQ recently opened its doors on Silver Street next to the Star Hotel. I tried it and so did several of my friends over the past few weeks, and the response is “Great Food!” Definitely worth checking out. You can view their menu on the Silver Haze BBQ Facebook page.

— Doug Clarke
