Elko Correspondence – February 2019


Winter Greetings from Elko. There is plenty to see and do in Elko if you are getting cabin fever.

Here are a few events to consider.

Skiing at the SnoBowl

The season at our local ski hill is off to a good start, and it looks like there will be good conditions throughout this month if Mother Nature cooperates. The SnoBowl should be open weekends and on President’s Day. There is one chairlift and a rope tow. FMI: https://www.facebook.com/snobowl/

Great Basin Film Festival

For the 14th consecutive year, the public will have the chance to enjoy the annual Great Basin College Film Festival. This unique event showcases films that never made it to local theaters. On February 14 – 16, Oscar nominated short films will be shown at the Western Folklife Center at 6 pm each day. On Friday the 22nd The Great Buster, will be shown at 6 pm in the Great Basin College Theatre, and on Saturday, February 23 the Beautiful Boy will be shown at 6 pm at GBC theater. Food will be served at intermission during the WFC screenings and prior to screenings at the GBC theater. FMI:

After the Gathering

The 35th National Cowboy Poetry Gathering is over, but great exhibits will be up in the Weigand Gallery at the Western Folklife Center. Portraits of the Gathering honors and remembers the individuals who have brought heart and soul to the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering through their poetry, story, song and artistry. This exhibit features the work of photographer Kevin Martini-Fuller who has photographed over 1,000 individual participants of the Gathering in past years. Along side Kevin’s work is a display of spurs. Adding to the spur bling is neon signage recovered from the Silver Spur Motel in Reno, Nevada. FMI: https://www.westernfolklife.org/the-wiegand-gallery/

Northeastern Nevada Museum Exhibits

Like the Western Folklife Center, the museum has 2 art exhibits that will stay up past the Gathering. In the Halleck Bar Gallery is an exhibit by Billy Schenck, a well-known contemporary painter who specializes in western landscape and cowboy pop art. One of the originators of the Western pop art movement, Billy Schenck incorporates techniques from photorealism with a pop art sensibility to both exalt and poke fun at images of the West. Schenck’s work will be up through April of this year.

In the Barrick Gallery are works by Myles Crouch who is known for his ledger art featuring Native American themes. With a keen interest in “Ledger Art”, a unique form of Native American Storytelling, Myles is telling stories on antique paper about hunting, fishing, horses, Cowboys, Native American dance and culture. His works on paper reflect a modern and youthful vision of a colorful and unique world as seen through his eyes. This exhibit is up through February 11th. See the museum website for more info at:


Lamoille Canyon update

Many of you know that the Range 2 Fire burned much of Lamoille Canyon last fall. Recovery efforts are underway to rebuild Camp Lamoille, open the road to motorists, and to restore the critical wildlife and fisheries habitat that was impacted. I’ll be sharing news of the recovery throughout the year. The good news to date is that the first 4 miles of the Lamoille Canyon Road is open to vehicle traffic. Beyond that, access for snowmobiles and foot traffic is provided. Come on out and explore the canyon with its winter beauty by snowmobile, skis or snowshoes.

— Doug Clarke
