Monday, January 13, 2025
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Tag: Governor Sandoval

Proposed Visitor Center, Nevada Souhern Railway

The Last Spike and the First Glimpse of the new Nevada Southern Railway

On Friday morning April 27 Robin and I visited Boulder City and the Nevada State Railroad Museum, home of the Nevada Southern Railway. The little depot on Yucca Street was just coming to life when...
Peter Barton and Gernor Brian Sandoval at dedication of the new NSRy bridge to Henderson

NevadaGram #202 – Rural RoundUp in Tonopah, Big Spike in Boulder City, Reno Night...

Rural RoundUp, the annual grand conclave of tourism workers from all around rural Nevada, was held this year in Tonopah. The speakers were insightful and entertaining, the workshops apt and informative, the meals ambitious...
Civil Warriors on Parade, Nevada Day 2014 Virginia City

NevadaGram #161 Sesquicentennial Nevada Day

Nevada Day was very big this year, being the Sesquicentennial edition and all. The year-long effort to celebrate the milestone with events and activities around the state — more than 500 of them...
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