High Adventures


Exploring the Great Outdoors of Northeastern Nevada
by Brenda J. Waters

A whole universe of natural beauty just a few miles from Elko
A whole universe of natural beauty just a few miles from Elko.

  There are few spots on this planet that aren’t inhabited, and there are even fewer that haven’t been explored.

Most of us have said that we would love to take a break from society and head out to where no one can find us. We usually say this with the intention of being able to drive

Elko area Guides & Outfitters - Horseback explorations are popular with visitors

Click here for Elko area Guides & Outfitters – Horseback explorations are popular with visitors

just a few hours, spend a minimal amount of money, and be close enough to civilization that if we should find ourselves in

trouble, we can get help.

Luckily for us, such a location exists in Northeastern Nevada. The Ruby Mountains are just minutes away from Elko, which is bisected by Interstate 80 and hosts a regional airport, Greyhound Bus Lines and Amtrak.

This picturesque mountain range offers the isolation of

being in the middle of nowhere with the comfort of knowing that you are just a short drive from 30,000

You seldom get the chance for photos like this
You seldom get the chance for photos like this

people. You could hike the Rubies for days and never see anyone except for the occasional deer, antelope, elk and mountain goat. Both flora and fauna are in great, untouched abundance and the views are spectacular and breathtaking. Imagine being able to see nothing but the undeniable beauty of nature for miles during the

Bighorn Sheep in the Rubies
Bighorn Sheep in the Rubies

day and up into millions of sparkling galaxies at night. Even the air you breathe is lighter and full of fragrances you can separate and nearly taste. The sounds of a creek gurgling along its path reaches your ears and you can’t help but relax. The warmth of the sun touches your body but those fragrant breezes dance across your skin as well. Just imagine what it would be like to be able to take a vacation in the

Lamoille Creek
Lamoille Creek

middle of nowhere and yet everywhere. Now for those of us without formal Girl/Boy Scout training who may know what a canteen is, but aren’t sure just what goes in it, there is hope. There are people out there who make it their job to get us into the great outdoors, show us a fabulous, technology- and crowd-free time, and get us back out with minimal effort on our parts. They are called

The catfish are taking the bait at Wild Horse Reservoir
The catfish are taking the bait at Wild Horse Reservoir

Outfitters and Guides. You can contact one of these knowledgeable men and women and they can hook you up with one of the most memorable times you’ve ever had. The moral of this story is that there is a beautiful world just outside of civilization which is easy to reach. The great outdoors is waiting for you in Elko County, Nevada.

The Rubies are beautiful any time of year
The Rubies are beautiful any time of year

  If you’d like more information contact the Elko Convention & Visitors Authority and they can send you a copy of their free “Adventures on the Edge” Guide to Recreation in Northeastern Nevada. And don’t worry if you are more high maintenance than outdoorsy; it contains a full list of Outfitters and Guides.

Brenda J. Waters is Marketing & Events Manager for the Elko Convention & Visitors Authority.



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