NevadaGram #162


Our beautiful Christmas Card

2014 Christmas card by Deb Sutherland

Our thanks to Deb Sutherland for allowing us to share her image of the Northern Nevada Railway depot in East Ely. It caught my eye when I first saw it on the Nevada Photographers website: a good long look at the stately old structure, Photoshopped just enough to make it magic.

“It’s so different from my other photos,” she wrote. “I am learning to go with what ‘mood’ the photo is trying to convey. I’m learning a lot :-)”

And while we’re in a reflective mood, let’s remember that 2014 was Nevada’s 150th year, and that we actually got some pleasure from celebrating it. There were 500 sanctioned events of all kinds over the course of the year that ended on Nevada Day, October 31 and they took place all over the state. This video was made from one of them, and we offer it to celebrate what was for us a very good year indeed.

Finally, in Other News: When I say 2014 was a good year for us, I mean we became millionaires. Not in dollars, in page views. On December 12th delivered its one millionth page view of 2014.

Because we knew it was imminent, our Engineering Department was tracking the website activity closely, but with such a powerful stream of traffic flowing throughout the site all the time (before the day was over, 3,213 page views had been served up to 1,714 visitors) they overlap and coincide by even the split second.

We can say with certainty that there are five close candidates. They are pages opened at 12:55 am on December 12th, 2014. One of them is surely number 1,000,000 and the other four occurred virtually simultaneously. We’re presenting them here in the order we believe correct:

Page Number 1,000,000!

Page Number 1,000,001
Page Number 1,000,002

December 12 is now our target to surpass in 2015!



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