Dirt Roads Around Dixie Valley
by Gage T. Smith, the Picon Guy
I enjoy the back country in our great state of Nevada and I get out into it more than most.
I lead a small, loose-knit group of folks who...
A Visit to Kingston
The best way to get to Kingston is by way of US 50 to Austin, then west down into the Reese River Valley a couple of miles and then south on the road marked...
Legislators and Lobbyists Guide to Power Dining in Carson City
Urban safari: Observe Legislators and Lobbyists
At Work from a nearby table in Carson City
by Barry Smith
As 63 legislators and hundreds of lobbyists arrive in Carson City for the 2019 session of the Nevada Legislature,...
OATBRAN Part II, Putting Away the Bikes and Breaking out the Skis
OATBRAN Ride continues on US Highway 50 across Nevada. My last write-up featured the start from Lake Tahoe to the Lunch Stop at Bean Flat between Austin and Eureka. This the continuation of the...