Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Tag: Berlin

The Nevada Company’s cannonball safe with the door closed and its combination-lock’s dial in place.

Berlin and the Cannonball Safe

by Adam Michalski   Transporting valuables in modern times is relatively easy.  Armored vehicles, utilizing reinforced bodies and bullet-resistant windshields while traveling on paved roads, deliver cash between banks or jewels to jewelry stores.  In the...
Gold Dust at Goldpoint

NevadaGram #59 – Three Nevada Ghost Towns and How They Survive

What They're saying About Us The LA Times Discovers Pyramid Lake. Sign Up for our NevadaGram here. You can buy your book orders online for Personal copies and gifts or for Resale. Ghost Towns are among Nevada's most...
Ichthyosaur with three hors d?ouvres.

NevadaGram #11 – Fallon, Gabbs, Berlin-Ichthyosaur, Ione, The Toiyabes, Austin

Here's a weekend excursion into central Nevada that seemed to have a week's worth of pleasure in it. Our group was husband, wife and 3 children 8 - 12 and we headed east on...
Stonehouse ,Paradise Valley

NevadaGram #1 Our Maiden Voyage into the Desert.

Recently Robin and I made a four day (too brief) cruise through the sagebrush sea. Here are some highlights — We sped past Lovelock, made Winnemucca and the Model T on Sunday evening and finished...
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