Gold Point Correspondence – November 2015


Gold Point

It’s almost that time of year when the ghosts and goblins come out in your neck of the woods unless you live here in Gold Point, where we have ghosts every full moon. It’s also that time of year to invite you to our annual Day After Thanksgiving Dinner, next month on Friday November 27th at 2 pm-ish. Chips, dips, a variety of veggies, and Sandy’s stuffed deviled eggs will be put out around noonish. We will be picking up three turkeys in a couple of weeks, each over 30 pounds, and the rest of our supplies a week or so before the event, so we need to know how many people to buy food for by then.
Gold Point fire 1

Okay, what next? Oh yeah! Sadly, three weeks ago, the Gold Point Fire Department got a call at 1:20 am for a structure fire in, of all places, Gold Point! A house on the west side of town had caught fire. By the time we got there, smoke was coming out of the roof more than out the doors or windows. It appeared that the fire was in the attic, as well. Goldfield assisted, but the fire spread too quickly in the 100-year-old house for us to to be able to put it out. All we could do was hose down the buildings Gold Point fire 2close by to prevent them from catching fire. They were so hot that steam was coming off them as the water was being sprayed on. In a very short while, the house was totally engulfed in flames. It was a very hot fire.

It was nearly sun-up when the flames died down enough for us to finally attack the fire and put it out. Our backup 10,000 gallon tank worked as designed for refills. We have a 4-inch supply hose with an elbow and a nipple to put into our tanks. We refilled our 4,000 gallon tanker twice and the smaller trucks a few times. We finally got back home around 7:30 am.

Gold Point fire 3
Our Gold Point Ghost Town website has been totally redone and updated by our webmistress Patricia, who has Netgirl Enterprises Web Design in Pahrump. It’s like she took it to the laundromat: she separated the old one into different piles and washed everything in hot water, and it came out bright, clean and better than new but shrunk down a little.

Sheriff Stone
