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When will we deliver the One Millionth page in 2015?
3 Winners
Closest guess wins a signed (by me) copy of “My Memories of the Comstock”Second closest wins a signed (by me) copy of “Squaw Tom Speaks”Third closest wins a signed copy of “The Complete Nevada Traveler” |
In 2014 the 1,000,000th page was displayed at 00:21:37 on the morning of December 22.
Select the moment you believe the one millionth page from our server will be displayed on a computer or mobile device somewhere in the world before midnight on December 31, 2015. The closest ‘bet’ to the actual moment (date, hour, minute, second) will win a prize*. Limit one ‘bet’ per day.
We post the current pageview count on the first of each month until the count reaches 800,000 — which it did November first.
It is possible, because of Google’s recent algorithmic shift, that we might not get to a million pageviews this year. You can bet against us by checking the box below, and if we come up short we’ll draw a name at random from all the perspicacious nay-sayers to receive the big prize.
You must fill in every line to qualify. Enjoy!
*Limit one free ‘bet’ per day